28 June 2024 · Our Customers

How Hino helps Solahart shine in East Gippsland

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We chatted with Rob Rawlings, who is bringing solar solutions to East Gippsland in Regional Victoria with his Solahart dealerships, and found out how Hino has brought a whole new energy to his business.

Rob began his own business in 2011, focusing on installing solar heat pumps and replacing old electric hot water systems. Recognising his expertise in solar hot water, Rob decided to expand his offerings to include solar power with a local electrician, until he was approached by Solarhart in 2017. “When Solahart approached us to become the local dealer, that sort of took us to another level.”

With a now booming business following the partnership, and a shop set up in both Lakes Entrance and Bairnsdale, Rob found himself in need of a reliable truck that would cater to his expanding business needs.

A Smooth Transition to the Hino Hybrid Electric

About six months ago, Rob noticed other companies opting for smaller trucks for their solar equipment and saw it as a smart approach for his own business. Pleased with the previous service he experienced at Turnbull Toyota, Rob engaged in a discussion about trucks with Sales Manager, Peter Trimnell, who steered him towards Turnbull Hino. "I just went straight into the dealer. When I walked in, I recognised one of the sales reps there, so I went straight to him, and we sorted it all out. There were no issues at all, everything was really smooth and easy.”

It didn’t take much for the team at Turnbull Hino to convince Rob that the Hino Hybrid Electric was the right way to go. “Yeah, Nick helped us a lot choosing the Hybrid Electric. Not only are the fuel and emission savings significant, but the maintenance costs are also less in the long run too. That’s a big help for a business like ours.”


Eco-efficiency in Action

Of course, being in the business of solar and renewable energy, the Hino Hybrid Electric is the perfect fit for Rob. It was never going to be any other truck. “We’re in the business of taking out older technology and installing environmentally friendly products. So, to be using something that's helping the environment by having that hybrid function, it goes hand in hand with what we do.”

Rob has also found that having the Hino Hybrid Electric has helped his business in other ways. “We tender for a lot of business with the local shire. Our Hino Hybrid Electric goes along way to helping us with our green credentials, and that’s important if you want to win business with local government projects.”

And while it’s still early days, the fuel savings are already becoming quite apparent. Rob happily tells us he sure notices the less visits to the pump. And that means less cost for the day to day running of his business.


Day in, day out, the Hino Hybrid shines

With the Hilux, Rob had to have a trailer to transport all the equipment to site. Now, with the Hino and a larger carrying capacity, pretty much everything can be loaded onto the truck the night before, and is ready to go the next morning. If needed, Rob can hook up the trailer to the Hino for even larger jobs.

While Rob’s Hino goes the distance covering the greater East Gippsland area and beyond, and does most of the heavy lifting, there’s more to the Hybrid Electric that he likes. “It’s got a terrific reverse camera. It has really wide views of behind you, as well as either side. It gets in and out of anywhere we need to go.”

Rob might be all about solar power but he’s also a fan of the power that his Hino Hybrid Electric brings. “It’s responsive, it’s powerful, and it’s a great truck to drive. It’s got all the same features as what I've got in the Hilux. It's got everything that you could really need. We just love driving it.”

Rob is so happy with the way his Hino Hybrid Electric performs that he now wants the same for his Hilux. He’s already chatting to the team at Turnbull about trading in his current diesel for a new Hybrid Electric Hilux. “The Hybrid Electric can do everything the diesel does and more.”


Powering on with the Hino Hybrid Electric

The sun is definitely shining on Rob’s business. With an opportunity to expand into Sale and open up another shop in the near future, Rob’s got his eye on another Hino to help out. We’re betting it’ll be another Hybrid Electric.

If you’re after solar solutions for your home or business, look no further than Solahart in Lake Entrance or Bairnsdale. Rob and the team will definitely be able to help you out.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/solahart_eastgippsland/

Website: www.solaharteastgippsland.com.au

Phone Number: 1300 724 460